To return the item, contact the customer service specialist by phone. +370 699 02999 or e-mail. p.


For legal entities, all goods are provided with a warranty period of 12 months. High-quality goods that meet the order cannot be returned and are not exchanged. The right to withdraw from a distance contract within 14 (fourteen) days without giving a reason does not apply to legal entities.

Defective goods must first be provided to the Seller or the Seller’s warranty service and only if it is established that the goods cannot be repaired, they are replaced by others and (or) returned.

The cost of returning the goods is borne by the Buyer. In case of refund of money for the item, there is no refund of the amounts paid for the delivery of the product. The money for the product is returned to the buyer only after the item is actually returned to the Seller.

The quality of the goods and the warranty period are subject to the provisions of Articles 6.333 and 6.335 of the Civil Code.

Disputes regarding the quality of goods, return and other conditions of purchase and sale shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules of Purchase and Sale.

For non-returnable goods specified in the Retail Trade Rules:- electrical machinery and equipment, sound recording and reproducing apparatus and televisojs video and audio recording and reproducing apparatus (codes according to the Combined Nomenclature – 8501-8548)